Team Offense Records

It’s my belief that team records are better separated by the different eras in which the game was played. For example, Wheaton had a great offensive team in 1980, but the stats were nothing compared to the teams from 1989 moving forward after Wheaton switched to 9-man and the game itself became more offensively-orientated. And now that the Warriors and football in general have a pass-first philosophy, comparing passing stats from today to yesteryear isn’t exactly and apples-to apples comparison.

That said, I like to look at per-game averages when evaluating and comparing teams, as the number of games played each year range from 8 to 13. The 2006 squad that got second in state has the most points with 547 but the 2021 squad the made it to the state quarterfinals edged them out with 46.1 ppg. The 2006 team still holds records for 4713 rushing yards, 362.5 rushing yards per game, 5584 total yards and 429.5 yards per game.

The 2021 team set the passing yards record with 2193, but the 2020 team actually holds the passing yards per game record with 201.8. Prior to that, the 1993 team with Chad Klindworth and Terry Tolifson passing to the likes of Neil Krenz held the passing records with 1205 yards (120.5 ypg.)

I have compiled stats from 1977 to present, but I am continuing to work my way back and will update the site. So far, for the 1977-1988 11-man football years, the 1980 team that went 7-2 was tops for scoring with 20.8 ppg, rushing with 165.7 ypg, passing with 101.6 ypg, and total yards with 267.2 ypg.

Have fun sorting through these categories!

Team Offensive Stats